Research assignments | 40% of the total grade
- Week 2 to Week 5
- Week 7 to Week 13
Midterm Presentations | 20% of the total grade
For week 6: Midterm presentation summarizing the following
Week 2: What is design?
Week 3: Where are you focusing?
→ How Might We question
Week 4-5: What does your system look like?
→ A pictorial visualization of the identified challenge area
→ Glossary
Midterm: What do you not know?
→Interrogation statement
DUE: Monday, Sep 30
Final Presentations | 20% of the total grade
For Week 14: In addition to the research and insights presented during the mid-term exam:
• What you learned about your area, and how might others do the same?
• Comprehensive argument and proposition
• Iterative process and prototyping
Essay | 10% of the total grade
- 1500-2500 words of formal writing on “The role of design in influencing systemic inequalities in (identified) society.”
- Write the essay using the APA format, in Arial font size 11. Use 1.5 line spacing with 0.7 inches margin.
- Cite sources responsibly
- An audio-visual format of the essay, to make the writing accessible for individuals with learning and physical disabilities
- FINAL ESSAY DUE: End of term (12/9)
- Week 3: Identified topic and/or hypothesis
- Week 5: Main argument with a bibliography
- Week 8: First Draft
- Week 11: Peer-reviewed Draft
- End of term: Audio-Visual Format + Final Essay
Attendance & Participation | 10% of the total
Attendance is imperative. Participation in class consists of giving thoughtful, constructive critique, carefully reading assigned texts and vigorously commenting on them during class, and leading stimulating class discussions on selected texts on a rotating basis.